News — parental politics

Climate Activism: without glue, paint or slow-marching

activism Banking be the difference carbon footprint climate activism climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice climate strikes eco ecofriendly environmental activism finance global warming greenhouse gas emissions justice lobby MP parental politics protest reduce carbon footprint voting

Climate Activism: without glue, paint or slow-marching

  When you hear the words climate activism, the image that often springs to mind is a protest, often disruptive (though not violent) and with protestors being arrested - and often with members of the general public getting (understandably) frustrated and angry at the disruption caused.        (📷 @just.stopoil)   And although between 64%-75% of us are worried about the climate crisis[i], with this being the definition of climate activism, climate activism remains out of reach.    Some may not agree with the tactics used. Some may not agree with the disruption caused. And many don't want to risk getting...

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#tbt One from the Archive: Politics of the Playground

mumlife nappy parental politics parenthood playground potty training toddler

#tbt One from the Archive: Politics of the Playground

(First published on The Contented Calf website on Wednesday 11th May 2011.)

We all remember how difficult it was to navigate our way around the social “do’s and don’ts” of the playground when we were young, don't we? The playground was a tough place to be. You were judged on a daily basis as to whether you fitted in, what kind of girl/boy you were, were you cool enough to play with? And many of judgements were made on the basis of what kind of a person you looked like. 

But I’m slowly realising that re-entering the playground as a parent, these judgements are being made all over again. Indeed, this happened to us just last weekend!

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