Just One Thing: Easy Climate Actions List
In light of Rishi Sunak's announcement to push back the UK's Net Zero targets, and to not ban new oil and gas in the North Sea, please take 1 minute to sign these three petitions:
[SIGN] Friends of the Earth Petition
[SIGN] 38 Degrees Petition
[SEND] Email to your MP (using a template)
[LISTEN] to Greenpeace talk about Operation Climate Vote
Please take 5 seconds to add your name to this Friends of the Earth petition
[SIGN] Tell Rishi Sunak: don't scrap the climate pledge
[EMAIL YOUR PENSION PROVIDER] Make my pension deforestation-free
Week 25 - FOSSIL FUELS (30 Seconds)
Does your MP support or oppose new oil and gas projects? It may not be what you think... I was surprised at ours.
(All MPs listed in alphabetical order. Scroll down to find your MP. Or use the search function on desktop version.)

[SIGN PETITION] Support Rooftop Solar

Join me in signing this petition asking the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to clean up and protect our waters.
[SIGN PETITION] Stop Sewage Pollution

Week 22 - OPTIMISM {10 mins}
The TED talk How to Find Joy in Climate Action is a 10-minute answer to the question “What can I do to help address the climate crisis?”
[WATCH] How to Find Joy in Climate Action

Make yourself aware of how the MP who represents us votes in Parliament on our behalf, especially on Climate and Environmental issues.
[HOW YOUR MP VOTES] www.theyworkforyou.com
(For full details check out Email 1)

Week 2 - TIPPING POINTS {9 mins}
Read this article that shows how once a sizeable minority embraces an idea, change is triggered.
[READ] The '3.5% rule': How a small minority can change the world

Week 3 - FOSSIL FUELS {10 seconds}
Ask Rishi Sunak post-COP27 to: 1) Get world leaders to cut emissions faster; 2) Rule out new fossil fuel projects; 3) Keep and increase climate funding promises; 4) Secure the release of Alaa Abd el-Fattah.
[SIGN THE PETITION] Add your name

Week 4 - PLASTIC POLLUTION {1 min}
Email your MPs urging them to put to pressure the government to set a serious plastic target.
[EMAIL YOUR MP] Send yours now

Week 5 - FOSSIL FUELS (ROSEBANK) {1 min}
Tell The UK government NOT to approve the biggest undeveloped oil field in the North Sea: Rosebank.
[SIGN THE PETITION] Add your name

Week 6 - INDIViDUAL ACTIONS {10 mins}
Learn about 14 things you can do to shrink your carbon footprint and hold polluters to account.
[READ] 14 ways to take positive action

Week 7 - FOSSIL FUELS (HEAT) {30 seconds}
Tackle our poorly insulated, draughty homes that rely on fossil fuels to heat them.
[EMAIL YOUR MP] Take Action on Clean Energy

Week 8 - FINANCE (BANKING) {10 seconds}
Check to see if your money being used to fund fossil fuel extraction? Take 10 seconds to find out.
[CHECK YOUR BANK] bank.green

Week 9 - FINANCE (BANKING) {5 seconds}
Add your name to Make My Money Matter's open letter telling the UK's high street banks that they must stop financing fossil fuel expansion.
[ADD YOUR NAME] Make My Money Matter

Week 10 - BIODIVERSITY DECLINE {5 seconds}
Ask Secretary of State for Environment, Thérèse Coffey to “Enforce a total ban on bee-killing pesticides.”
[ADD YOUR NAME] Save the Bees

Week 11 - TIPPING POINTS {5 seconds}
Share with someone - in person or online - that you're glad when you see people talking about the climate crisis.
[POST] On Instagram, Facebook or Linked In etc.

Week 12 - AIR POLLUTION {2 minutes}
Ask your MP to support The Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill. (Currently only 59 MPs have).
[EMAIL YOUR MP] See EMAIL 12 for full details

Week 13 - FINANCE (PENSIONS) {10 seconds}
Send your pension provider a pre-written email telling them to them to go green. https://makemymoneymatter.co.uk/21x/#act-now
[EMAIL YOUR PROVIDER] Make My Pension Green