News — environmentally hopeful

Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Carbon ‘Foodprint’

be the difference carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmentally hopeful food intentional nutrition nutrition plant based reduce carbon footprint

Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Carbon ‘Foodprint’

As you are probably aware, I am looking at ways for our family to reduce our carbon footprint. The first area I looked at was our upcoming car change and whether we could improve our carbon footprint in that area. But another area we are also looking at in tandem with this, is changing our diet to help reduce our carbon footprint.   The impact of food on our family’s carbon footprint Depending on which study you look at, the production of food and drink makes up around 15-25% of the total greenhouse gas emissions for the UK – that’s...

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Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Car - EV vs PHEV: Assessing the Carbon Cost

be the difference car carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmentally hopeful family make a change travel

Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Car - EV vs PHEV: Assessing the Carbon Cost

As you know, we are in the process of working out what the best car is for our family, and for the planet. We need to make sure that the car works for how we use it, but also helps our family reduce our carbon footprint so that we can help contribute to tackling climate change.

We currently have a hybrid car, but our lease is coming to an end at the end of the year and we want to make the most environmentally friendly decision as to what to get next, especially as ideally we want to keep this car for as long as possible (ten or more years…?) The main decision to make is: full electric car (EV) or plug-in hybrid (PHEV)?

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Zero Waste: What is The Circular Economy?

be the difference biodegradable circular economy eco eco inspiration ecofriendly ellen macarthur environmentally hopeful kenneth boulding make a change plastic free thibaut wautelet zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

Zero Waste: What is The Circular Economy?

  What do you know about the term Circular Economy? It’s actually linked intrinsically to the concept of Zero Waste. The Circular Economy definition The Ellen MacArthur foundation defines is as:  A framework for an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design. It continues... Looking beyond the current take-make-waste extractive industrial model, a circular economy aims to redefine growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits. It entails gradually decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, and designing waste out of the system. Underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources, the circular model builds economic, natural, and social capital....

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What does Zero Waste ACTUALLY mean?

be the difference biodegradable compostable easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmentally hopeful plant based plastic free reusable zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

What does Zero Waste ACTUALLY mean?

I don't know about you, but I certainly find all the 'eco' terms very confusing..... Eco.... Biodegradable.... Compostable.... and the seeming Nirvana of..... Zero Waste! BUT WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? Even the Eco-ist of the Eco-Living world still show us these little jars of receipts and chocolate bar wrappers. We create waste. Fact. We can reduce our waste, and we can reduce it dramatically, but can we actually go Zero Waste? And what does Zero Waste actually mean? Zero Waste in the Past If we think of ourselves as animals, we consume foods, process them in our bodies and...

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4 Considered Changes on your Journey to Zero Waste

be the difference drink easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmentally hopeful health make a change natural cleaning plastic free reusable zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

4 Considered Changes on your Journey to Zero Waste

In previous weeks I've I talked about making Straight Swaps to more eco versions of your regular products, that require no change to our routine or our convenience (6 Straight Swaps on your Journey to Zero Waste), and Simple Switch Ups that require small changes or a little extra thought (10 Simple Switch Ups on your Journey to Zero Waste). This week I want to talk about making 4 Considered Changes. As you may remember, I have identified three 'levels' of change on a zero waste journey: Straight Swap - A change that really requires no change to our routine or our convenience....

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