News — greta thunberg
Global Climate Strikes: Did you strike?
be the difference climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate strikes eco greta thunberg make a change zero waste zero waste living zerowaste

Friday 20th September, around the world, people took part in the Global Climate Strikes. Were you there? Did you strike? Did your kids? Did your kids’ schools do anything?Weren’t the scenes of the strikes around the world so inspiring and energising? In particular the picture of the strike @gretathunberg posted happening in Afghanistan. This is, as she says, a globally emergency. And it seemed on Friday that we came together around the world to acknowledge this and lobby politicians and big businesses to do more.Sadly, I wasn’t there. My 7YO was off school ill with a cold. I was gutted. But I...
Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Car - The background.
be the difference car carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly greta thunberg make a change mum hustle mumlife reduce carbon footprint travel

Ways to reduce our carbon footprint: Our Car.
Over the years, our family has incorporated many small changes to the way we live our lives in order to have less of an impact on the environment. Our focus has evolved over recently years to include reducing our family's carbon footprint and making that much more of a key part of what we do.
One area in which we will be making a big change in 2020 is our car.