News — children
My White Privilege: How do I move forward? How do I help? How do I do better?
be the difference black lives matter children education family identity improve make a change mumlife racism white privilege

Whilst the struggles against slavery, oppression, bigotry, prejudice and racism has lasted centuries for Black people, my understanding of my own White Privilege has only started fully developing in the past few years - since Brexit and the US 2016 election. The seeds were sown when I went to university in New York, was voted as a Senator for my building and undertook diversity and leadership training. However, my understanding has intensified and deepened over the past couple of weeks. As my understanding of my privilege as a White person has improved, I have struggled with how best to move forward...
Spring Update: Eco Learn, Eco Hope, Eco Act
activism Banking be the difference carbon footprint carbon offset children climate activism climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly education environmental activism environmental impact environmentally hopeful food global warming hope recyclable recycle reduce vegan volunteering voting zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

Since the start of Contented Earth, my mantra has been: Eco Learn, Eco Hope, Eco Act. I want to help people learn more about environmental and climate issues, not despair, but feel hopeful, but also understand that we can only create hope through our actions. And underpinning those three 'columns' has been my desire to create a community of people who feels supported and inspired to take climate and environmental action. Find out more about what's on offer...👇 Eco Learn Eco Learn. Sign up today and each week you will receive an email with a link to a short video, podcast or article...