News — nutrition
14 Top Tips to Boost Your Immune System
breathe cookbook daniela turley dr maryanne shiozawa drink essential oils harriet macmasters-green health hydration immunity intentional nutrition kat smith nat leeman nutrition relax rest sleep water wellness winter yoga

Winter is always the season when we feel like we need to support our immune system against seasonal infections. This year we feel this more than ever! Together with a group of wellness experts, we’ve created a set of Top Tips for boosting your immune system this Winter. IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST consult a doctor or health-care professional before consuming ANY supplements, herbs or oils. Each person has individual health issues or conditions specific to their own individual body – what may be health-boosting to someone, maybe dangerous to another. We have divided our tips into four sections: Nourish, Water,...
Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Carbon ‘Foodprint’
be the difference carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmentally hopeful food intentional nutrition nutrition plant based reduce carbon footprint

As you are probably aware, I am looking at ways for our family to reduce our carbon footprint. The first area I looked at was our upcoming car change and whether we could improve our carbon footprint in that area. But another area we are also looking at in tandem with this, is changing our diet to help reduce our carbon footprint. The impact of food on our family’s carbon footprint Depending on which study you look at, the production of food and drink makes up around 15-25% of the total greenhouse gas emissions for the UK – that’s...