News — zero waste living
Spring Update: Eco Learn, Eco Hope, Eco Act
activism Banking be the difference carbon footprint carbon offset children climate activism climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly education environmental activism environmental impact environmentally hopeful food global warming hope recyclable recycle reduce vegan volunteering voting zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste
Since the start of Contented Earth, my mantra has been: Eco Learn, Eco Hope, Eco Act. I want to help people learn more about environmental and climate issues, not despair, but feel hopeful, but also understand that we can only create hope through our actions. And underpinning those three 'columns' has been my desire to create a community of people who feels supported and inspired to take climate and environmental action. Find out more about what's on offer...👇 Eco Learn Eco Learn. Sign up today and each week you will receive an email with a link to a short video, podcast or article...
Sometimes I wish I could give up.
activism be the difference carbon footprint carbon offset career climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice climate strikes eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmental activism environmental impact environmental justice environmentally hopeful family global warming greenhouse gas emissions happy identity maternal mental health mental health mothers love cookies mum mum hustle mumlife no judgement parenthood self employed volunteering work at home mum zero waste living
Dear friends, family and followers, Sometimes I wish I could just give up. And I bet you wish I would too sometimes… ;-) Give up going on and on (and on) about the climate crisis. Stop banging on about taking climate action. Quit posting things on social media that make my friends feel anxious, overwhelmed, panicked, uncomfortable, stressed. I know I seem always happy, always confident, always positive, but there is part of me that is simply desperate to give up. To just stop. To walk away. To no longer feel the despair, the...
Seven Simple Ways to Solve the Climate Crisis*
activism be the difference carbon footprint circular economy climate change climate crisis climate emergency easy eco swaps eco eco inspiration ecofriendly environmental activism environmental impact environmentally hopeful finance fossil fuels global warming greenhouse gas emissions no judgement reduce carbon footprint voting zero waste journey zero waste living
(* Yes, I know it's a reach, but... if we ALL did these things, then they actually, probably would solve it, just saying... ) The Climate Crisis: it's all TOO much, isn't it? Sometimes the climate crisis is just too much to face. Not only the terrifying reality of what we will all face if we do not limit global warming to 1.5'c above industrial levels, but also the question of "what can I do about climate change?" It feels so complicated. There seems so MUCH to do. So many options. So many things to change. And so...
Climate Justice: Fighting to solve the climate crisis and racial inequality
activism be the difference black history month black lives matter carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice climate strikes colonialism eco eco inspiration ecofriendly environmental activism environmental impact environmental justice environmental racism environmentally hopeful exploitation family industrial revolution justice make a change racism reduce carbon footprint slavery white privilege zero waste journey zero waste living
Black History Month October is Black History Month in the UK. (It is February in the US.) It was first launched in London in the 1980s, with the aim the local community challenging racism and educating themselves and others about the British history that was not taught in schools, and to recognise the contributions that many generations of people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to the UK.[i] With this is mind, I didn’t want to let October pass without acknowledging Black History Month. And as The Contented Company is focussed on the environment and how...
3 Quick Tips on Transitioning to Non-Dairy Milk
be the difference carbon footprint children climate change climate crisis climate emergency easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmental impact family food health intentional nutrition make a change mum hustle mumlife no judgement non-dairy nutrition organic plant based plastic free recyclable reduce carbon footprint reusable sustainable tea vegan washable zero waste journey zero waste living
1. Try lots of different milks I've settled on oat milk as I find the consistency (and taste) most similar to dairy milk. But others love Soy, Almond, sweetened, unsweetened. Have a play around to find what you taste buds like.🥛 2. Transition your (and your family's) tastebuds slowly. It DOES taste different. What I did was start by using 3:1 parts dairy to non dairy milk - in my coffee, on my cereal, in béchamel sauces, and slowly change the ratio. I'm now at 100% non-dairy most of the time, or at least 1:3 dairy:non-dairy. With this increase of...