News — recycle
🌱 63 Plastic Free & Reusable Products for Plastic Free July 🌱
bamboo be the difference beeswax biodegradable cardboard compostable easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmental impact make a change natural cleaning palm oil free plastic plastic free recyclable recycle reusable reuse zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

Plastic seems to be everywhere. At times it can feel unavoidable (especially in recent months), despite us all knowing that it takes between 500-1,000 years to break down. And even then, what is left is harmful micro-plastics that pollute our environment, water systems, food chains, oceans and ultimately our bodies. But it IS possible to make swaps. There ARE plastic free alternatives out there. Plastic Free July is a personal challenge that is part of a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans,...
Plastic Free Packaging from The Contented Company
be the difference biodegradable cardboard compostable easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly make a change paper plastic free recyclable recycle recycled reduce reuse zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

Sending you your eco-friendly items totally plastic free is one of our core values at The Contented Company. Whilst no-one can ever be perfect, making the best possible choice available at every decision. And this is what we do, from the moment your order arrives with us, to when it is on its way. 1. Order received It would be great to go totally paperless, but to ensure that each order contains the correct products, I'm afraid I still need to print packing slips. However, the paper we use is (almost always) recycled, recyclable (of course) and un-bleached. And each...
Spring Update: Eco Learn, Eco Hope, Eco Act
activism Banking be the difference carbon footprint carbon offset children climate activism climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly education environmental activism environmental impact environmentally hopeful food global warming hope recyclable recycle reduce vegan volunteering voting zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

Since the start of Contented Earth, my mantra has been: Eco Learn, Eco Hope, Eco Act. I want to help people learn more about environmental and climate issues, not despair, but feel hopeful, but also understand that we can only create hope through our actions. And underpinning those three 'columns' has been my desire to create a community of people who feels supported and inspired to take climate and environmental action. Find out more about what's on offer...👇 Eco Learn Eco Learn. Sign up today and each week you will receive an email with a link to a short video, podcast or article...