News — recycled
Earth Month: Friday Lunchtime Lives - meet Laura from Seven Shades
be the difference clothing earth day earth month easy eco swaps eco eco clothing eco ideas ecofriendly environmental impact fair wear Friday Lunchtime Lives mumlife no judgement organic recycled seven shades sustainable
On Friday 9th of April Laura from Seven Shades joined me for one of the Friday Lunchtime Lives I'm doing over Earth Month. Meet Laura and discover all about her business, what inspired her to take environmental action, what she's trying to do to restore our Earth (the theme of Earth Day 2021). • Who you are and what does your business do? My name is Laura. I run Seven Shades - a sustainable clothing brand in between my full time job and my motherly and wifely duties. • How did you came to start an Eco...
Life After Lockdown: Will The Environment Be Better Off?
be the difference biodegradable carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate strikes coronavirus covid19 davidattenborough eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmental impact environmentally hopeful greta thunberg make a change plastic plastic free recyclable recycle recycled reduce reduce carbon footprint reusable reuse zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste
Covid 19 - Humans 0 : Environment 1 Alongside the devastation of the Covid 19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns – sickness, death, loss, isolation, anxiety, depression and economic uncertainty, we have all seen the good news stories of environment recovery. Crystal clear waters in Venice. Turtles hatching from their eggs in peace and successfully making it into the sea in enormous numbers in India, Brazil, Florida and many other places. Dramatic photos of clean air in places which have only known smog for decades have been circulating the internet. Delhi The Himalays Los Angeles And closer to home, Goats...
Plastic Free Packaging from The Contented Company
be the difference biodegradable cardboard compostable easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly make a change paper plastic free recyclable recycle recycled reduce reuse zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste
Sending you your eco-friendly items totally plastic free is one of our core values at The Contented Company. Whilst no-one can ever be perfect, making the best possible choice available at every decision. And this is what we do, from the moment your order arrives with us, to when it is on its way. 1. Order received It would be great to go totally paperless, but to ensure that each order contains the correct products, I'm afraid I still need to print packing slips. However, the paper we use is (almost always) recycled, recyclable (of course) and un-bleached. And each...