News — make a change

Plastic Free Packaging from The Contented Company

be the difference biodegradable cardboard compostable easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly make a change paper plastic free recyclable recycle recycled reduce reuse zero waste zero waste journey zero waste living zerowaste

Plastic Free Packaging from The Contented Company

Sending you your eco-friendly items totally plastic free is one of our core values at The Contented Company. Whilst no-one can ever be perfect, making the best possible choice available at every decision. And this is what we do, from the moment your order arrives with us, to when it is on its way. 1. Order received It would be great to go totally paperless, but to ensure that each order contains the correct products, I'm afraid I still need to print packing slips. However, the paper we use is (almost always) recycled, recyclable (of course) and un-bleached. And each...

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Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Car - EV vs PHEV: Assessing the Carbon Cost

be the difference car carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency easy eco swaps eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly environmentally hopeful family make a change travel

Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Car - EV vs PHEV: Assessing the Carbon Cost

As you know, we are in the process of working out what the best car is for our family, and for the planet. We need to make sure that the car works for how we use it, but also helps our family reduce our carbon footprint so that we can help contribute to tackling climate change.

We currently have a hybrid car, but our lease is coming to an end at the end of the year and we want to make the most environmentally friendly decision as to what to get next, especially as ideally we want to keep this car for as long as possible (ten or more years…?) The main decision to make is: full electric car (EV) or plug-in hybrid (PHEV)?

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Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Car - The background.

be the difference car carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency eco eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly greta thunberg make a change mum hustle mumlife reduce carbon footprint travel

Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint: Our Car - The background.

Ways to reduce our carbon footprint: Our Car.

Over the years, our family has incorporated many small changes to the way we live our lives in order to have less of an impact on the environment. Our focus has evolved over recently years to include reducing our family's carbon footprint and making that much more of a key part of what we do.

One area in which we will be making a big change in 2020 is our car.

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6 Reasons to Green Clean

be the difference biodegradable cleaning compostable doterra eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly essential oils make a change nat leeman natural cleaning online course plastic free reduce carbon footprint reusable

6 Reasons to Green Clean

You will have seen us talking lots about Green Cleaning online, but what are the reasons to be green cleaning your home? At the highest level, the primary reason to green clean your home is health: both for you and your family, and the environment. An added benefit to green cleaning your home, is that after a little bit of up-front cost, very rapidly it becomes cheaper. We think about pollution at an environmental level, but how many of us have actually questioned the pollution level INSIDE our house, where we can spend up to 90% of our time? And...

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