Top feelings are:
(TLDR – skip to How to Help - when you don’t have much time 👇)
Thank you
First of all a HUGE thank you to everyone who answered my recent survey, I really appreciate it. The responses will give me a better understanding of people’s thoughts and feelings, and help me shape the content I create for my work and how I can best support people.
Contented Earth Climate Survey January 2025
Secondly, if you haven’t yet responded, but still want to do so you can do so using the following links: 1) For those who are already members of an environmental group this is your survey: and 2) For those of you who aren’t part of an environmental group, this one is for you:
Survey Highlights
I thought it might be useful and interesting to share some of the highlights from the survey results. This was a VERY SMALL sample survey of 40 people, so the results can only be indicative and are not statistically sound. But I do think they are interesting and are indicative of possible wider feelings.
Question 1: How concerned / worried / anxious do you feel about climate change?

67.5% of respondents answered they are worried ‘A lot’ or ‘A great deal’ about climate change.
Question 2: When you read / see / hear things about climate change, how does it make you feel? What are all the emotions that it provokes? [Free text]
Top feelings are:
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Sadness
- Fear
- Hopelessness
Question 3: If you feel worried, concerned, etc are you more or less worried about climate change compared to two years ago?
72.5% of respondents are a little or a lot more worried than two years ago.
Question 6: What holds you back from doing more? [Free text]
Top barriers are:
- Time
- Money
- Motivation
- Information (lack of)
- Overwhelm
- Avoiding the situation
Question 8: What's your bandwidth each week (time-wise, but also emotionally, mentally, financially etc) for taking action on climate? (Please be honest - no judgement, just understanding and support)
The majority of respondents (79.48%) have between 5 minutes to one hour to spend on helping the climate, around of half of those having between 10-15 minutes.
How to Help– when you don’t have much time
I run a number of different small groups focussed on eco and climate learning and action. They are all low pressure, low stress groups providing low-lift ways to get involved in climate action without adding to the overwhelm of our busy lives.
They are perfect for anyone who’s feeling more worried about the climate, but really short on time. I’d like to invite you to join any that you wish.
Just One Thing (ECO ACTIONS)
- Just One Thing Weekly WhatsApp [1 – 5 mins a week]- I share just one action each week (most likely a petition to sign, but sometimes something else), and that’s it. No other chat.
- Just One Thing Monthly Emails - Each month you will receive JUST ONE action to take on climate. And over the course of one year, by taking these actions and making these changes in our lives, by the end of the 12 months you'll be living a more climate positive life.
- ECO LEARN - weekly email series [10 – 20 mins a week] - each week you will receive an email with a link to a short video, podcast or article and you can learn a little more about the climate emergency and feel more confident to speak out -
ECO LISTEN Recommendations [15 - 60 mins a week] - This group is for people who have lots on their plate, but can squeeze in a listen when they are cooking, cleaning, commuting or walking the dog. I strongly believe that the more we understand the more empowered and impassioned we feel to take action, and that by listening and learning more, we’ll get to a place where we naturally take action.
- WhatsApp
- Instagram - DM me on Instagram ( and ask me to join the Eco Listen group and I’ll add you.
Climate Confident & Just a Little Bit More Eco Group [1 – 60 mins week] - This group is for past attendees of Climate Confidence and Just a Little Bit More Eco courses. There is no pressure to chat - but feel free to share, comment etc if you want to. Generally, I share a few things a week - petitions and recommended eco listens mainly, sometimes eco hints and tips, sometimes polls.
- WhatsApp
- Instagram - DM me on Instagram ( and ask me to join and I’ll add you to the group.
Whether you're a member of a WhatsApp group, follow @contentedearth on Instagram, buy eco alternatives from the online shop, or read and click on these emails I send, my aim is that there is a place for you to feel educated, supported and inspired to learn more, and to take climate and environmental action.
We have until the end of this decade to make significant changes - and we're nearly half way through. It's time for all of us to take whatever action we can to ensure a liveable future for us and our children, and everyone around the world.
And my hope is that The Contented Company can help us do that together.
I'd love to know if you were aware of everything that's on offer? Are you a member of any groups? Is there anything that catches your fancy in particular? Anything you think that's missing? Any questions?
My inbox is always open, so feel free to drop me an email.
With love, and action-filled eco hope,
Elena x