
Eco Gift Guide 2021 from The Contented Company

be the difference biodegradable children christmas compostable easy eco swaps eco eco christmas eco clothing eco ideas eco inspiration ecofriendly gift ideas

Eco Gift Guide 2021 from The Contented Company

  I don't know about you, but I'm never as organised as I want to be for Christmas, ESPECIALLY when I'm trying to buy gifts that have less of an impact on our planet. I need more time and more inspiration. So hopefully this Eco Gift Guide compilation will help you browse through eco gift options on The Contented Company site to give you some inspiration to get you started... 9 Eco Kids Gift Ideas... Wood-backed Robot Stamps, by Jungwiealt £21.00 Plastic Free 'Sloth & Friends Kids' Tea Set, by Sass & Belle £22.00 Cotton Bag of Glass Marbles, by...

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COP 26: What you should know

activism climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice climate strikes cop cop26 davidattenborough eco ecofriendly environmental activism environmental impact environmental justice environmentally hopeful greta thunberg reduce carbon footprint

COP 26: What you should know

  What does COP mean? C.O.P. stands for Conference Of Parties. These parties are the 197 countries that have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀In 1994 the UNFCCC recognised there was a problem with climate change and bound member states to act in the interests of human safety even in the face of scientific uncertainty.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The objective of the Convention is to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations "at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic (human induced) interference with the climate system." It states that "such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to...

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Climate Justice: Fighting to solve the climate crisis and racial inequality

activism be the difference black history month black lives matter carbon footprint climate change climate crisis climate emergency climate justice climate strikes colonialism eco eco inspiration ecofriendly environmental activism environmental impact environmental justice environmental racism environmentally hopeful exploitation family industrial revolution justice make a change racism reduce carbon footprint slavery white privilege zero waste journey zero waste living

Climate Justice: Fighting to solve the climate crisis and racial inequality

Black History Month       October is Black History Month in the UK. (It is February in the US.) It was first launched in London in the 1980s, with the aim the local community challenging racism and educating themselves and others about the British history that was not taught in schools, and to recognise the contributions that many generations of people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to the UK.[i]  With this is mind, I didn’t want to let October pass without acknowledging Black History Month. And as The Contented Company is focussed on the environment and how...

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My Autumn Reset

back to school career childcare children chores cleaning cooking family flexible working health housework maternal mental health meal planning meditation mental health mum mum hustle mumlife parenthood plastic free relax rest sleep small business stay at home mum stay at home parent summer holidays work work at home mum work-life balance yoga

My Autumn Reset

I don't know about you, but September always feels like a perfect time to 'reset'.  This year, more than ever, by the end of the school year, my head was so foggy. Our routines were non-existent, as was our family's focus on nutrition, the environment and making sure screen time was limited. Summer Holidays I took the whole Summer 'off'.  I mean, being a mum and running your own business, you're never really off, are you? But... I didn't drive the business in the way that I can; I didn't worry about posting regularly on social media; and I just...

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be the difference childcare family love make a change mum mumlife parenthood privilege refugees


Alongside eco posts, I occasionally reflect on my privilege on here too. And I wanted to do so again.  On Thursday, as it was half-term, I took the girls to the beach. (We were staying near my parents and I grew up by the sea.) The weather was glorious, light sun and a gentle breeze, we got there early and started building a sand castle (sorry, a castle complex, according to my 11YO). Then we went to paddle in the sea.  One of the girls said ‘mum - look at that’. I turned and looked. (Not my photo but another...

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