Thank You 🙏

2018... Well WHAT a year!

As you may be aware by now (I do keep rabbiting on about it, don't I?), we re-settled ourselves back in Twickenham. And we do feel nicely 'bedded-in'.

I've come to realise that I'll never feel totally settled. Somewhere along the way, I've acquired a wanderlust, that just quietly bubbles away in the background. I slightly suspect that once the kids are are uni and beyond, Hubby and I will pack our bags and head off to who knows where... Or maybe if the whole family's feet get itchier, we'll just become nomadic.... ;-)

All that said, this house, Twickenham, the UK are so very HOME for me. The second we walked back through the door of our house this time last year, I felt it. I love this house. It has such a feeling of home. And I love Twickenham. I love our neighbours, and our friends - old and new. And I LOVE being close to my sister - not 3,000+ miles and an 11 hour plane ride away, and being able to see my parents on an almost whim :-)

It feels good to be back.

But in true Elena style, settling the family back into UK life was never going to be enough of a challenge on it's own ;-) 

I started working part-time as a Marketing Consultant. This has felt so good - going back to my marketing roots and getting my teeth stuck into some planning, segmentation, reporting and metrics. The marketing-excel-nerd in me has been made very happy. Those who know me from my pre-baby work-days will understand this well :-)

Still not enough to contend with, I also brought to bear a huge passion of mine and launched Contented Earth, alongside Contented Calf and Contented Kid, and amalgamated them all under The Contented Company.

The Contented Company

Contented Calf Contented Kid  Contented Earth


But I couldn't have done it without all of you: my friends, my family, followers and customers. I really couldn't. Every time you like, comment, share or buy, I do a little happy dance. Thank you. For it all.

Your unwavering support of me and my business has meant and continues to mean the world to me.

Being a small business, a mumpreneur, a solopreneur is tough. But you're still with me through all of it and I am truly thankful for you all. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Almost Christmas and a fabulous New Year! Here's to an awesome 2019!! Keep an eye out for new and exciting things from The Contented Company.

Merry Christmas from The Contented Company

As ever, with love from our family to yours,

Elena x

Elena Cimelli Signature

p.s. Before I go completely, let me leave you with a little 'rogues gallery' of me through the years...

2002 - so young and fresh faced!! 2005 - Wedding Day

Elena Cimelli 2002 Elena Cimelli 2002 Elena Cimelli Wedding Day 2005

2009 - pregnant and brand new mama

Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli

2012 - second time round and much more confident (and much more tired!)

Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli

2018 - back in Blighty and LOVING it!

Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli  Elena Cimelli Elena Cimelli


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